MLH: Maggie’s sex battle

A little bit of info regarding the patreon-supported hentai game “Monster Love Hotel”: Maggie The Furry (the final character from the first batch of characters) was implemented into the game last month! ^_^

The latest version can be downloaded on Patreon:

The latest public version can be downloaded here:

Note: while Patreon supporters will get previews, pre-releases and other stuff, remember that you can always see progress reports on the game’s website ^_^


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11 Responses to MLH: Maggie’s sex battle

  1. Zoombul says:

    I love this game! It’s a pretty big game already but I love the idea of seeing it expand even more. Keep it up, I love all the work you put into this! ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. brad69 says:

    Normally not into furry but Maggie is kinda cute ๐Ÿ™‚

    So which character won that other poll?? Or is that information for patrons only?

    • Vanja says:

      The winner of that poll was “Veda The Vampire”. This was also revealed on the game’s website on November 17th. There are two progress reports on that website each month ^_^

  3. brad69 says:

    Oh, OK. Thanks, I’ll keep an eye on the website. Kudos to you for keeping progress reports to non-patrons, too many devs keep it all behind their Patreon ๐Ÿ˜›

    • Vanja says:

      Well, Patreon’s got rules for posting adult content (you are not allowed to post it publicly, only in patreon posts), so that’s why a lot of devs keep all of it in their “patrons only” posts. It’s still a good idea to have a public website with info for everyone ^_^

  4. SNHMessatsu says:

    I apologize if I seem rude, but I asked a question in an earlier post regarding raised level caps and never did receive a reply. Will it be implemented later in the game?

    • Vanja says:


      Sorry that I haven’t answered your question before. I searched for other comments by your nick , and I suppose you’re referring to this comment //

      “Some of us have both Erwan and Golda at 5000 skill points for regular fights and sex fights. When the public update is released, will it include raised level caps, or will the peak remain at LVL 20?”

      I’m currently not sure exactly what the max level will be, I’ve currently made a max. at 20 but I will raise this much further as the succubi battle is coming along and other characters will be implemented afterwards as well. So yes, I will raise the levels, and when I’ve decided what should be a fair max I will change it so anything above will display as “Maxed Out” or something like that ^_^

  5. guib says:

    It would be really nice if we can choose a level for the enemies to do a re-fight, because I like to do re-fights, but since you at a much higher level than the enemies from the start of the game, these fights are just too easy.

    • Vanja says:

      It could be possible to add some kind of level adjustments in re-fights…not sure if a lot of people would be interested in it, but I’ll think about some possible ways to easily implement this ^_^

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