Peach’s Mushroom Hunt, update (unfinished)

A while back, I made a post about uploading an update to the game (quote: “As for a release date, it’s always hard (nearly impossible) to set deadlines for projects like this, but I’ve decided to actually put forth a date anyway: whatever I’m able to finish (hopefully the full game, but if not, at least I’ll release whatever’s been finished until then) will be published here on 5th July.

As some of you already know, I’ve had some recent family issues and on top of that, I lost my grandmother on monday (which also caused a delay to the “Darkheim” update this week).

Now, I did promise that even if I didn’t manage to finish the game until the 5th, I’d release whatever I had finished until then, and I’ll keep that promise. There are several things that are not fully included in this update (like Wendy’s new walking animation). There’s 1 new level to explore (which includes the sex animations for Shy Guy and Blooper, plus a CG if collecting all the coins on that level.

I still hope to have the entire game finished in not too long. I did of course have hopes of getting it finished until today, but sometimes life just happens, and I appreciate your understanding in this matter ^_^

IMPORTANT NOTE: This update has not been properly tested, it’s pretty much a quickie in order to keep my promise for an update today. There might still be several bugs and glitches.




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6 Responses to Peach’s Mushroom Hunt, update (unfinished)

  1. Darkfox says:

    I’m happy to have gotten an update, I’ve been eagerly awaiting it. The controls are much better, and while I think there is still room for some improvements, I agree with what you wrote in the earlier post, it’s better to focus on finishing the game instead of constantly delaying it by tweaking stuff 🙂

    My deepest condolences for the loss of your grandmother.

  2. TheToby says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about your grandmother passing. I’m dealing with a recent loss myself.

    Thank you for the Peach Hunt update! Loved the new level and the control run smoothly. Just a quick note, on occasion when you hit the down key to kick, you’ll sometimes freeze in the frame of Peach jumping up with her knees bent. Otherwise it runs great.

    • Vanja says:

      Thanks, and my condolences. Losing someone, even when it is more or less expected to happen, is always hard no matter what 🙁

      I’m glad you liked the update. Thanks for letting me know about the kick issue, I’ll look into it ^_^

  3. frein says:

    Is there any lesbian scene in this game, Vanja?

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