MLH2 screenshot from animated preview

There’s now an animated preview of “Monster Love Hotel 2” on Patreon, and some other info about this game ^_^

Here’s a link to this post: //

As you can see, the animations will be larger (and for those of you that have seen the animated preview, you’ll also notice there’s more frames than the ones in the first game ^_^). What’s grown into a bit of a problem for me in the first game, is that it leaves me very few options when it comes to the animations: since the characters are standing on screen, the animations always have to be from one specific angle. “Monster Love Hotel” has a total of 172 battle animations so far, and having to always draw every single animation from one specific angle has become, to be perfectly honest, incredibly tedious over time…so the battle changes in the sequel gives me a lot more opportunities when it comes to variation in the scenes ^_^

This was also added in the “Monstergirls/Monsters” hentai gallery section.

Here’s a screenshot from this animated preview ^_^


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