Author Archives: Vanja


Today, the 8th update of “Witchcraft #3” was released! The “Witchcraft” game series now has monthly updates on Ero-Mania ^_^ SCREENSHOTS: Here’s some screenshots from this update. If you want to play the game, please become a member on Ero-Mania. … Continue reading

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Demo of “Rise Of Velshara” released on Ero-Mania! ^_^

Today I announced a new upcoming project on Ero-Mania: “Rise Of Velshara“!  ^_^ This is a collab project between “Cupcake Valkyrie” (doing the story, and programming in “RPG Maker MV”) and me (doing the artwork). The full game will be … Continue reading

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Today, the 7th update of “Witchcraft #3” was released! The “Witchcraft” game series now has monthly updates on Ero-Mania ^_^ SCREENSHOTS: Here’s some screenshots from this update. If you want to play the game, please become a member on Ero-Mania. … Continue reading

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Happy Halloween 2016! ^_^

Happy Halloween everyone! ^_^ Here’s a little treat for you all: I’ve added a new drawing featuring a succubus giving a titfuck. This drawing is below, but you can see this one and more holiday-themed artwork in my “Holidays” gallery!

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Futa Spell 3

Kamila and Lucinda are at it again in “Futa Spell 3”! The game was released on Ero-Mania today ^_^ About the game: This time, they meet a new witch: Amorina. Just like Kamila, she’s a powerful witch, but Lucinda tricks Amorina … Continue reading

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Eraina Hunnisett, by Tempy

Today a new movie was added on Ero-Mania: “Eraina Hunnisett”, by Tempy! ^_^ The movie features a cute pink-haired girl. Below are some screenshots:

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Monster Love Hotel, Public Release #6!

The 6th public release of “Monster Love Hotel” has been added on the game’s website. This update contains the full “Bardolf The Wolfboy” sex battle! ^_^ You can download the update by going to

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Today, the 6th update of “Witchcraft #3” was released! The “Witchcraft” game series now has monthly updates on Ero-Mania ^_^ SCREENSHOTS: Here’s some screenshots from this update. If you want to play the game, please become a member on Ero-Mania. … Continue reading

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Today, the 5th update of “Witchcraft #3” was released! The “Witchcraft” game series now has monthly updates on Ero-Mania ^_^ SCREENSHOTS: Here’s some screenshots from this update. If you want to play the game, please become a member on Ero-Mania. … Continue reading

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Cute birthday gift-art from Crimsonwolf! ^_^

This update is a little late, but anyway: The 22nd was my birthday, and Crimsonwolf (// made this really cute drawing of me where I’m enjoying some cake ^-^. Thank you so much, Crimsonwolf, the drawing is really cute! 😀 … Continue reading

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