Today, the first episode of “Roxie & Rosie, Season 1” was released! ^_^
Roxie & Rosie is an episode-based series on Ero-Mania, which was added in a new section called “Online Series”. These online series will be story-based, and will all include some animations. In some way they’re a bit like interactive comics with animated scenes, and some of the projects that will be released in that section are actually ideas I originally had for comics, but which I wanted to create in a format where I could include animations and music ^_^
Roxie and Rosie keeps fighting against a rise in crime in their hometown, and while Rosie keeps worrying about the town’s recent changes, Roxie is more interested in keeping her “needs” fulfilled in the meantime. This all changes when the town is hit by something that will make even Roxie come short…