Today, the 8th update of “Witchcraft #3” was released! The “Witchcraft” game series now has monthly updates on Ero-Mania ^_^


Here’s some screenshots from this update. If you want to play the game, please become a member on Ero-Mania. That way you also support me and my art, and will help to ensure that projects like this will continue to be made ^_^


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Demo of “Rise Of Velshara” released on Ero-Mania! ^_^

Today I announced a new upcoming project on Ero-Mania: “Rise Of Velshara“!  ^_^

This is a collab project between “Cupcake Valkyrie” (doing the story, and programming in “RPG Maker MV”) and me (doing the artwork). The full game will be released soon on Ero-Mania, but in the meantime, the demo was released on the Ero-Mania blog ^_^

Note: When the full game is released on Ero-Mania, the demo will be released here on Vanja’s World ^_^ . The current demo is a pre-release on the Ero-Mania blog to let the members give some feedback (and some things might change before the final release).


Long ago, the evil Demon Queen Velshara plagued the land by imparting humankind with insatiable lust, using humans as her playthings. Using a powerful ritual, they eventually managed to banish her back to the demon realm, and thus, she cursed humanity, preventing any male children from ever being born. In order to save humanity from slowly dying out, Lumira, The Goddess Of Light, granted a blessing: the futanari, women born with the genitals of men and thus being able to impregnate normal women. To help contain the Demon Queen, the Grand Cauldron was carved from Earth, a huge valley surrounding Velshara’s castle. However, the Demon Queen will return on the 18th birthday of the futanari fated to prevent her return to the mortal realm. This futanari’s name is Layla Damoire…and in order to stop Velshara, she needs to battle horny monstergirls and humans under Velshara’s power, trying her best not to succumb to her lust, or else they will turn her into one of their own…


The game contains animated sex scenes in the battles, and unique Game Over drawings for each character ^_^




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Today, the 7th update of “Witchcraft #3” was released! The “Witchcraft” game series now has monthly updates on Ero-Mania ^_^


Here’s some screenshots from this update. If you want to play the game, please become a member on Ero-Mania. That way you also support me and my art, and will help to ensure that projects like this will continue to be made ^_^


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Happy Halloween 2016! ^_^

Happy Halloween everyone! ^_^

Here’s a little treat for you all: I’ve added a new drawing featuring a succubus giving a titfuck. This drawing is below, but you can see this one and more holiday-themed artwork in my “Holidays” gallery!


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Futa Spell 3


Kamila and Lucinda are at it again in “Futa Spell 3”! The game was released on Ero-Mania today ^_^

About the game:

This time, they meet a new witch: Amorina. Just like Kamila, she’s a powerful witch, but Lucinda tricks Amorina into thinking that Kamila is going to use a trick on her. Together, Amorina and Lucinda gives poor Kamila another “hard” challenge!

CLICK HERE TO JOIN ERO-MANIA FOR THE FULL GAME! By subscribing, you will also get immediate access to all the other content on that site (currently over 70 pc &  flash games, over 1000 pics, over 800 comic pages, a blog with previews from upcoming projects, and more!). Your support also makes it possible for more projects like this to happen ^_^


Here’s some screenshots from the game. If you want to play the game, become a member on Ero-Mania, and that way you also support me and my art ^_^


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Eraina Hunnisett, by Tempy

Today a new movie was added on Ero-Mania: “Eraina Hunnisett”, by Tempy! ^_^

The movie features a cute pink-haired girl. Below are some screenshots:



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Monster Love Hotel, Public Release #6!

The 6th public release of “Monster Love Hotel” has been added on the game’s website. This update contains the full “Bardolf The Wolfboy” sex battle! ^_^

You can download the update by going to www.monsterlovehotel.com


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Today, the 6th update of “Witchcraft #3” was released! The “Witchcraft” game series now has monthly updates on Ero-Mania ^_^


Here’s some screenshots from this update. If you want to play the game, please become a member on Ero-Mania. That way you also support me and my art, and will help to ensure that projects like this will continue to be made ^_^

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Today, the 5th update of “Witchcraft #3” was released! The “Witchcraft” game series now has monthly updates on Ero-Mania ^_^


Here’s some screenshots from this update. If you want to play the game, please become a member on Ero-Mania. That way you also support me and my art, and will help to ensure that projects like this will continue to be made ^_^


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Cute birthday gift-art from Crimsonwolf! ^_^

This update is a little late, but anyway:

The 22nd was my birthday, and Crimsonwolf (//crimsonwolf64.deviantart.com) made this really cute drawing of me where I’m enjoying some cake ^-^. Thank you so much, Crimsonwolf, the drawing is really cute! 😀

Also thanks a lot to those who sent me gifts, I really appreciate it! I have sent you all an e-mail ^_^

If you’d like to take a look at other birthday gifts and fanart I’ve received over the years, the “Fanart” gallery is here:



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