Cat and Devil Lady, non-adult comic

“Cat & Devil Lady” is one of my old (very old) non-adult comics (considering I actually made this comic series before I was old enough to even watch porn (legally, that is ^^;) that’s not so strange…)

It’s also the first comic where I used Adobe Photoshop for coloring. My inspiration for this comic was that I, at the time I made it, was nicknamed “Devil Lady” (because of a carnival where I was dressed as a devil) and one of my friends was called “Cat”…

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Welcome to Vanja’s World, and my new blog!


Welcome to my brand new “Vanja’s World” blog! Here, I’ll post my hentai art, including pics, comics, games, animations, and videos ^_^

As you can see, this blog post is dated 2002, despite that this blog post is actually posted on May the 15th 2014. The reason I decided to do that, is that I’ve been running this website for more than 12 years, starting August the 23rd in 2002 (one day after my birthday! ^^). During those years, I’ve had several website designs, but recently I figured that I wanted some more freedom to make changes and decided to convert into a blog.

I hope you’ll enjoy my hentai artwork! ^_^

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