Birthday gifts! ^_^

Today was my birthday, and Crimsonwolf (// made this awesome drawing of me where I’m playing with the birthday candle while fantasizing about…naughty things ^-^. Thank you so much, Crimsonwolf, the drawing is awesome!

Also thanks a lot to everyone who sent me a notification by e-mail, I really appreciate it ^_^

If you’d like to take a look at other birthday gifts and fanart I’ve received over the years, the “Fanart” gallery is here:


vanja birthday s

I’d also like to write a little about one of the gifts I got today: some t-shirts from my fiancé Tom (aka Tomte), with print of one of the drawings he made of me, and one featuring Bella from our collab project “Bella Mortis Presents“. They were printed through “Spreadshirt“, a “print on demand” service. The quality is pretty good (I remember trying some of these “print on demand” services a few years back with rather poor results, but these look great) ^_^


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Today, the 16th update of “Witchcraft #3” was released! The “Witchcraft” game series now has monthly updates on Ero-Mania ^_^


Here’s some screenshots from this update. If you want to play the game, please become a member on Ero-Mania. That way you also support me and my art, and will help to ensure that projects like this will continue to be made ^_^


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Bella Mortis Presents, Season 3!


“Bella Mortis Presents” is a webcomic series featuring short horror stories of various kinds. This project is a collab between me and my fiancé Tom (aka Tomte) ^_^

Season 3 has just started, and episode #13 has been released. It’s called “The Last Hike”, and you can read it here:


Bella Mortis Presents is one of our Patreon projects: //



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Peach’s Mushroom Hunt, update (unfinished)

A while back, I made a post about uploading an update to the game (quote: “As for a release date, it’s always hard (nearly impossible) to set deadlines for projects like this, but I’ve decided to actually put forth a date anyway: whatever I’m able to finish (hopefully the full game, but if not, at least I’ll release whatever’s been finished until then) will be published here on 5th July.

As some of you already know, I’ve had some recent family issues and on top of that, I lost my grandmother on monday (which also caused a delay to the “Darkheim” update this week).

Now, I did promise that even if I didn’t manage to finish the game until the 5th, I’d release whatever I had finished until then, and I’ll keep that promise. There are several things that are not fully included in this update (like Wendy’s new walking animation). There’s 1 new level to explore (which includes the sex animations for Shy Guy and Blooper, plus a CG if collecting all the coins on that level.

I still hope to have the entire game finished in not too long. I did of course have hopes of getting it finished until today, but sometimes life just happens, and I appreciate your understanding in this matter ^_^

IMPORTANT NOTE: This update has not been properly tested, it’s pretty much a quickie in order to keep my promise for an update today. There might still be several bugs and glitches.




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Artemis (Fables of Fulosus)

Here’s a fanart of Artemis, the foxgirl in Tempy’s Patreon-supported game series “Fables of Fulosus” ^_^

Here’s the link to the official website: //

You can see more of my furry-related artwork in the gallery section “Furries” ^_^


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Today, the 15th update of “Witchcraft #3” was released! The “Witchcraft” game series now has monthly updates on Ero-Mania ^_^


Here’s some screenshots from this update. If you want to play the game, please become a member on Ero-Mania. That way you also support me and my art, and will help to ensure that projects like this will continue to be made ^_^


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Sperm Demoness Part 7: Final Battle


The 7th part in the “Sperm Demoness” hentai game series! ^_^

About the game:

Sperm Demoness Part 7: Final Battle is the sixth part in this sidescrolling hentai game series.Velna now has to battle Ormarr…will she be able to defeat him this time as well?

While this concludes this series of Velna’s adventures, you’ll see more of her in bigger projects (as mentioned a few times on the Ero-Mania blog) ^_^

CLICK HERE TO JOIN ERO-MANIA FOR THE FULL GAME! (by subscribing, you will also get immediate access to all the other content on that site (currently over 70 pc &  flash games, over 1000 pics, over 800 comic pages, a blog with previews from upcoming projects, and more!). Your support also makes it possible for more projects like this to happen) ^_^


Here’s some screenshots from the game. If you want to play the game, please become a member on Ero-Mania. By subscribing, you will get immediate access to all the content there. Your support also makes it possible for more projects like this to happen ^_^


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Monster Love Hotel update

It’s been a while since I made a post about the progress regarding the “Monster Love Hotel” game. Progress reports are posted on the website two times a month, but I’ll also make sure to repeat some of it here on Vanja’s World..last time I did so, was regarding Sesha The Lamia’s sex battle ^_^

So, what’s new since then: Erwan’s “Double Dick Spell” was fully implemented into the game, and can now be used on all the characters! Also, Kaida’s sex battle was finished earlier, which means that only two of the current batch of characters remains (earlier, there was a patreon poll for the next batch of characters). There’s also a short story revealing Golda’s past…including the introduction of Allard, a new character.

The latest version can be downloaded on Patreon (by becoming a supporter there, you will help making the game grow! This game already has 117 different animations, and with your support it can expand even more ^_^)

The latest public version can be downloaded here:
// ^_^





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Today, the 14th update of “Witchcraft #3” was released! The “Witchcraft” game series now has monthly updates on Ero-Mania ^_^


Here’s some screenshots from this update. If you want to play the game, please become a member on Ero-Mania. That way you also support me and my art, and will help to ensure that projects like this will continue to be made ^_^


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Peach’s Mushroom Hunt, info about upcoming release

Remember this project? Yeah, it’s been a while ^_^; The progress of this game has taken much more time than it should’ve. There’s a few reasons for that (a little bit regarding lack of motivation, but mostly due to some bad choices. I’ll get more into that below).

The main reason this game has taken far longer to complete than should’ve been necessary, is mostly because of me doing a lot of changes all the time. Most of this has been due to me always trying to improve my work, and most of the coding from the oldest version has been re-made entirely from scratch. Since improvement never comes overnight, this has been a gradual process, where new things have been redone and changed multiple times…and to be honest, there’s still some things I feel could’ve been changed again, but if I keep on like this, the game will never get finished. So, as it stands right now, I’ll finish the game as it is, and release it this summer. I’ve received a lot of suggestions and requests for things to change or add in the game, but naturally, I cannot meet everyone’s expectations and wishes. I have, however, done changes based on what most people suggested. Here’s two major changes:

– Giving Peach an attack function.

This is something a lot of people wanted. This means that, compared to the current version, Peach can attack her enemies instead of just jumping over or avoiding them. This means that some of the enemies had to be re-made, like for example Wendy, who were previously hiding behind a bush, but is in the new version walking towards you. Birdo, for example, remains the same, but you can both attack her by kicking her body or by kicking her eggs back at her.

– Changing hitboxes and configuring collisions

This has pretty much been completely remade, and has solved issues like for example the mushroom spring collision and “jumpy” wall collision.

As for a release date, it’s always hard (nearly impossible) to set deadlines for projects like this, but I’ve decided to actually put forth a date anyway: whatever I’m able to finish (hopefully the full game, but if not, at least I’ll release whatever’s been finished until then) will be published here on 5th July.

Below are some screenshots showing Peach’s new attack, Wendy’s new sprite, and the final boss (Bowser) ^_^


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